TOPQ held the first women's congress
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TOPQ held the first women's congress

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TOPQ held the first women's congress


TOPQ held the first women's congress

On January 13, 2023, our company held the first women's representative meeting in the conference room. A total of 30 people attended this meeting. Lin Qun, the manager of production department, Qian Rongfeng, the manager of finance department, Xu Yanzhong, the manager of purchasing department and Bryant Qiu, the manager of sales department participated in this meeting. The meeting was presided over by Qian Rongfeng, the chairman of the county women's federation Bryant Qiu and the chairman of the town women's federation Lin Chao were present to guide the meeting.

The meeting was opened in the sound of the solemn national anthem. The meeting was read out "on the approval of the establishment of Fuzhou TOPQ Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd. Women's Federation", our Women's Federation was officially established today. After that, the first representative assembly of our women passed the election method (draft), and the branch secretary comrade Bryant Qiu introduced the basic information of the first executive committee candidates of our women's federation. After that, the election of the members of the first executive committee of our women's association started. The meeting was held by secret ballot, and 30 ballots were received by the scrutineers and counters, and 11 members of the first executive committee of the Women's Federation were elected.

Next, the 11 executive members held the first meeting of the first executive committee and elected Qian Rongfeng as the chairman, Zhou Renyi and Lin Qun as the vice chairmen. Chairman Qian Rongfeng then said in her speech that it was a great honor and responsibility to be elected as the president of the Women's Federation. In the future, we will aim at "building a first-class team, creating first-class performance, and creating a first-class image", and set an example by doing our best to do practical things for the women workers. And call on all women workers of the Division to unite as one and work together. Xie Xiucheng, vice chairman of the County Women's Federation, congratulated the new leadership team of TOPQ Women's Federation and preached the spirit of the 20th Party Congress to our women workers. We hope that we will unite under the banner of the Party, keep learning the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, women's heart to the Party, and strive for a new journey.

It is reported that the proportion of women workers in our company is about xxx. All women workers stick to their posts, give full play to the important power of "half the sky" and make important contributions to the development of the company.

The meeting came to an end in the sound of the international song.

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